There comes a time, or perhaps many times, when we think we have it all figured out. I mean, what life is about, what we’re doing here, how everything works. And it’s just then that the Universe politely coughs, or not so politely slaps us upside the head and says “Well actually.. you’re wrong.”

Saturday, January 30, 2010

So What's This Blog All About Then?

I've never been much of a subscriber to Chaos. I think the Universe is neat and orderly and runs on logical rules. If you really think about it, anything as big and complex as the Universe has to have nice, clearly-defined rules on which to operate or it would have fallen in on itself long ago. So if the Universe runs on well-defined rules, surely it follows that everything within that Universe also follows those same rules, doesn't it?

Our problem is we only know a very few of those rules, and even then our understanding is pretty limited. As my good friend and minister, Richard, would say:

"It's the five blind men and the elephant thing. Each blind man touches a small part of the elephant and comes up with an erroneous idea of what the whole elephant looks like."

I think life is sort of like that. We trundle along thinking we have it all figured out, then WHAM! That big branch from the tree of life whomps us in the face and knocks us on our behinds, letting us know that we got something wrong somewhere along the road. Of course we tend to blame the branch for being there rather than our own lack of knowledge about it.

It's an ego thing or maybe just a human thing. We so desperately want to be right that a gentle prod often wouldn't be enough to change our minds. I'll leave it to you to decide who or what sets the rules and does the whomping for you. That's not what this blog is about and I certainly don't want to convert anyone or be converted in return. It's about life as I know it, the joys, the pitfalls, the excuses, the laughter, the ants in the sugar bowl, the hefty blows, the really uplifting stuff and maybe even the perfect recipe for ploughman's pickle. I'm not ruling anything out entirely yet. But mostly it will be about the things I've learned or have failed to quite understand yet in the bigger scheme of things.

As I'm completely new to the blogosphere, I wanted to post this little intro as much to keep myself more or less on track as to let you know what the blog is about. Hopefully it'll get better as I go along. In the unlikely event that anyone else finds themselves reading my probably fairly verbose posts, I've decided to make a few rules for myself:

I'll add new posts when I feel like it, which will likely not be every day or even close. I will read any comments made but that doesn't mean I'll reply to them all. I'll try to be interesting and informative but not necessarily both at the same time. And if anyone is deeply offended by anything I post, I promise not to take that into account in any way whatsoever.

So here's to my first ever blogging venture...



  1. Keep blogging! Your first post was very interesting and I'm wondering right now about a ploughman's pickle. I would think it would have to be darned big to satisfy a ploughman! So keep writing, please.

  2. Thank you! working on my first real entry now. Oh and ploughman's pickle is almost what Americans would call a relish but it's chunky, dark brown, very tangy and sweet. It's excellent with cold meats and mature cheeses. Traditional Ploughman's Lunch is salad, hunks of mature cheddar, ploughman's pickle and a big doorstep of fresh earthy bread.
